Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to the grind

Well, let me start with a follow up to harmony …. it did not last, most things don’t.

We all managed to go to a number of stores yesterday and we all got along and took turns and really enjoyed the time together … so while the original harmony went out of tune a new sing started.

If the rest of you are like me it is back to work tomorrow after a long time away, for me about a week and a half. I enjoyed the time greatly.

The thought of going back to work does not thrill me! I do however look forward to once again starting a new year at work and making a difference. Last year my personal commitment was to leave work by 4:00 everyday and by all accounts I succeeded. This year I am looking to continue that trend, I find it very liberating.

From a professional perspective I am looking to challenge myself in a number of ways to make the days more interesting and fulfilling. You see I enjoy most of my work but there is a great deal of negativity given the economy. I anticipate that most of that work is done. My challenge now is how I can engage some 100 people that I count on to make me successful. Granted, I have ten direct reports that I count on tremendously and they do a great job keeping the focus.

For me, more visible, more positive and more fun at work. Sounds easy but I can tell you it is a challenge as there are so many critics that offer their opinions.

Well, that's it for now ….. there is work to be done, before there is work to be done.

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